Athletics » Athletics


EKHLA Rams have competed in The Texas Charter School Academic & Athletic League, and other city-wide Leagues since 2013.  EKHLA offers 3 Co-ed sports to grades 4th-8th, and 4 all girl Volleyball teams.  Fall Sports are girls Volleyball, and co-ed Tennis.  Spring Sports are co-ed Basketball and co-ed Soccer, and Team Futsal. 

Athletics helps youth build confidence and self-discipline as well as grow leadership skills. Studies show that student-athletes also do better in school and learn how to get along with others, by participating in sports. EKHLA’s no cut policy encourages students to explore different sports regardless of their experience level and enables all students to benefit from being part of a team. Our goal is to have all 4th grade through Middle School students participate in our Athletics Program. 47% of student body in grades 4th - 8th participate in EKHLA's Athletic program.  Please contact [email protected] with questions or 210-890-7258.


The Texas Charter School Academic & Athletic League works to aid the individual growth of Texas’ charter school students by using academic and athletic competition we promote teamwork, a healthy lifestyle and the constant pursuit for academic excellence.

EKHLA Athletic's Mission 

EKHLA Athletics Mission is to have all Athletes, EKHLA Rams, develop the quality of self-discipline needed for proper conduct, fair play, and sportsmanship in a competitive situation.  To develop qualities of leadership through a balance of cooperation with coaches, teammates and competition with opponents.  To develop in the athlete a realization that self sacrifice, self discipline, teamwork, and effort are necessary for achievement.   Any student who accepts the privilege of participating in E.K.H.L.A. Athletics must recognize that he/she is a representative of the school and district and will be held to a higher standard of conduct. 

Visitor's Guide